Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Man, is this NOT what I was expecting. I was picturing being able to easily download a nice mystery novel to my PC so I could stick it onto my iPod for my husband and I to listen to while travelling. Hmmm. I don't think so (said in a musical tone - you know what I mean).

Not only is Gutenberg full of boring old classics (apologies to all purists and literary snobs), but I had to try several times to download a Mark Twain title. No luck at all from the main site. I got a bit excited when a 3rd mirror site actually repsonded, but when it said "done" I'm afraid that there was nothing but a blank facility, and now that page has "sh-t itself" and frozen.

Things would have to get a whole lot easier than that before I would recommend this site.

You get what you pay for I guess. Looks like I'll be borrowing the real thing from our library to try to download that to my iPod (my next super challenge).

What a bummer - I feel a tad like a failure to be honest. Sigh.

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